Thursday, October 21, 2010

Pre-Round Stretch Routine with a Club for Golfers

Shoulder Flexibility Series
Goal:  Increase range-of-motion around shoulders to aid in shoulder turn; loosen muscles for more rhythmic, fluid swing.
Explanation:  Stand feet hip distance apart with ends of club in both hands resting in front of you on thighs.  Inhale, extending both arms straight overhead.   Bend both elbows bringing club directly behind head in line with ears.  Lower elbows as much as possible and try to straighten arms still holding club behind low back against buttocks.  Reverse, bending arms at elbows bringing club back overhead and return to front.  Do not force stretch.  Repeat 5x.

Shoulder with Rotation
Goal:  Promotes range of motion through shoulders and thoracic spine
Explanation:  Stand tall holding club  behind you with palms facing backward if possible.  Bend from the hips to a flat back with club aiming straight in the air.  Rotate so club moves from parallel to perpendicular to the ground.  Try to see the end of the club aiming down toward your same foot.  Breathe and feel the stretch through the shoulders, ribcage, and hamstrings.  Repeat 3-5x each side.

Lateral Flexibility
Goal:  Help to stretch rib cage, promoting better range of motion.
Explanation:  Stand tall holding club overhead with hands wide on grip and close to clubhead.  Slowly bend from side to side with intention of lengthening spine and adding space between each vertebrae. 

Lateral Flexibility with Rotation
Goal:  Help to stretch rib cage, promoting better range of motion & movement memory.
Explanation:  Stand tall holding club overhead with hands wide on grip and close to clubhead.  Slowly bend from to the side with intention of lengthening spine and adding space between each vertebrae.   Then, without moving hips or center of gravity, rotate  ribcage so club turns 90 degrees and parallel with the ground.  Repeat 3x each side.

Goal:  Prepare body for round; decrease risk of injury by loosening up muscles in low back and hips.
Explanation:   Stand with feet hip distance apart holding ends of club in both hands with arms straight in front of chest.  Inhale to prepare.  Exhale rotating club and upper body to the right as far as possible. Lift up on left toe to allow further rotation.  Goal is to rotate club 180 degrees.  Inhale return back to start position.  Repeat other side.  Complete 10 repetitions each side.  Focus on tall spine lifting away from hips.

Ferris Wheel (Golf Swing)
Goal:  Promote muscle memory; increase blood flow and circulation to spinal rotation.
Explanation:  Stand in address position with same hip tilt and spine angle.  Hold onto ends of club allowing arms to fall in place in alignment with feet.  Inhale prepare.  Exhale rotate upper body as if in backswing trying to turn shoulders, arms, and club.  Pause.  Inhale repeat to start.  Repeat backswing 10x.  Then proceed to follow through on opposite side.  Focus on controlled movements.

Quadricep Stretch
Goal: Prevent injury and promote range of motion by warming up before round.
Explanation:  Stand and kick right leg back bending at the knee and grasp ankle with right hand.  Gently pull foot back while pushing hip forward to feel stretch in muscle between knee and hip joints in front of leg.  Hold 10-15 seconds.  Repeat with left leg.  Club may be used as prop for balance.

Hamstring Stretch
Goal:  Lengthen spine; stretch shoulders, hamstrings, and calves.
Explanation:  Use club for support.  Press heel forward with a straight leg as you push your hips back.  Feel the stretch on the back of the leg from the ankle to buttucks.  Keep your back straight as you bend forward from your hips only, staying tall through your spine, neck and head.  Hold for 10 seconds and switch legs.

Hip/Glute Stretch
Goal:  Open and increase range of motion in low back, hips, and groin allowing for maximal power in swing and less risk of injury.
Explanation:  Using your club for support and balance,  cross right ankle over left knee pointing right knee out to side.  Lower body down into squat position to activate the stretch. Keep weight in heels and push buttocks behind you keeping spine long.  Hold 10 seconds and switch sides..

Shoulder Push-Pull
Goal:  Open your chest for better rotation and help prevent shoulder pain from fast action during swing.
Explanation:  Hold the hozzle end of a golf club behind your neck with your right hand.  Align the club down the back vertically and hold the grip end near your glutes, palm facing out.  Pull the grip down to stretch triceps, and push elbows out to stretch chest and front of shoulders. Then pull the hozzle up.  Hold for 10-30 seconds each way then switch sides.

Trunk Flexion with Step Over
Goal:  Stretch low back and gluteals while activating core & hipflexors for power in swing
Explanation:  Hold the hozzle end of a golf club parallel with the ground in front of you.  Pull abdominals in and round back reaching club to ground.  Try to lift knee and step over club.  Tap foot on ground then bring foot back over club to start position.  Practice!  This is an advanced movement and requires balance and core activation.  Repeat each foot 3-5 times.

The above exercises were compiled by Mindi Boysen, TPI Level III certified golf fitness coach and owner of “Fit For Golf! Fit For Life!”.  Her book, Synergistic Golf, contains additional exercises and outlines each day of the year with golf performance & life enhancing tips while the 3 DVD series demonstrates flexibility, strength, and stability exercises used in the golf swing.  Mindi is available for private or group golf fitness training as well as seminars and nutritional consultations.   Contact her at (480)203-6228 or or visit her site at

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