Sunday, October 24, 2010

Keys to Clubhead Speed: Part I - Rotational Power

Recently there has been a lot of talk regarding the ability for many of the pros to produce so much club head speed that their drives are farther than they have ever been.  Is there a secret?    Athletic abilities of the pros are incredible, but not necessarily out of reach for the average golfer.  When watching the swings on TV using the BizHub Swing Vision slow motion cameras, the wind up and un-winding of the body is evident.  There are numerous methodologies and swing thoughts on whether the hips “start” the downswing or if the arms “power down” or “pull through”.  But the common denominator of the entire swing is the ability to rotate using the explosive power of the core muscles such as the obliques and lats against a very stable and centered lower body.  Here is a move I use with my clients to help reinforce the feeling of what rotational power really is.

Cable Diagonal WoodChop “from the top”:

Stand sideways from a rope attachment in the high position on a cable pulley system.  If you are a right handed golfer, stand with your right side facing the rope.
Grab the ends of the rope with both hands and bend at the hips as if in address position.  Your angle of your shoulders should be at the same angle of your hips.
Your left shoulder should be under your chin.  Left (lead) arm stays straight as right (trail) arm remains bent with elbow facing downward toward floor.
Utilizing the left side of your trunk and trying to “ignore” your arms, feel the pulling of the rope down toward your left foot.  Your shoulders should swap positions and remain at the same angle they started without flattening out.

The weight should be heavy enough to be able to complete 10-15 repetitions.  Repeat on BOTH sides to achieve body balance and symmetry. 

Hint #1:  focus on pressing your feet into the ground and maintaining a strong stance without any lateral hip movement.

Hint #2:  Think of your ribcage initiating the movement and swiveling around your spine.  

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… body, mind and spirit of cooperation to better get in the game
By Mindi Boysen

Synergy: words: cooperation of two or more things to produce individual effects amount greater impact on balanced effort

The idea that "Golf is more than just a swinging the Club" is not a new concept for most players, the Club selection. Technology and experience are all critical elements that lead to success, but you will never achieve the maximum potential size of the part in your game. What's so then interaction Golf?As stated above, is the definition of integration (at the same time) the physical, mental/emotional and spiritual parts of the player must produce results that are more productive than the sum of these items separately.

BODY:Most non-professional golfers spend daily, it is relatively sedentary work and view to the golf course than their little bit lab week., the force, who goes to the amount of each swing of undue stress unbalance and inefficient bodies, play, and over can cause permanent damage! Golf is definitely the most people can enjoy, but only on a regular basis, in practice, and the correct use of technologies to promote better swing damage and sport.
If you have run the exercise program … ... it is never too late! Make sure the program is in balance and contains:

Dynamic and static flexibility exercises help to improve the range of motion during the major muscle groups that adds more power, you can create additional club head speed of minus effortStabilization swingStrength training techniques balance and posture for the sake of consistency and in order to guarantee better control of

Account:Thinking positive thoughts produce positive results. Such as visualization (using the other's eye to see itself run positively and correctly in all situations) and video data (suurtuottajia to imagination, which contains all of your senses, your project the best scenarios) are the tools. For example, the following visualizing or pretending to exactly what you want to happen and "dictate" body, Club and, ultimately, the path of the ball in the pre-shot, as a matter of routine, lead to better results. Slow, controlled air conditioning techniques to calm the senses and is also very important.

SPIRIT:Remember this equation … ... E + R = O.

Event + response = results.

You have had. You get tired.Ball inexplicably roll wood behind or missile, the House is a pool in the air. these events WILL take place only in the middle of the driving range instead of the tournament.But it is a response, you can select adorn these events, which determine the outcome of the next event. are you a person who sees the glass half empty or half full?You can Bounce back to you quickly and shanks skulls? Life (and Golf) offers one opportunity after another major blunders that often our weaknesses with the rest of the world.When we laugh at ourselves, they are negligible. When we take ourselves too seriously, its feel like everything, what we do work even playing a game of golf, we allow ourselves be. When to laugh, we break down the pressure, negativity and seriousness walls.

Play the best golf, all three of these components is included in the game. (I) the guarantee would not be made at night, but it may happen, if you give it one day at a time! …

For more information about how to find?Search Interaction Golf--One Day At A Time full version or

FLEXIBILITY/stress RELIEVER:Upward Facing Dog: open the tight chest muscles in order to reduce the number of rounded shoulder syndrome and tight hip flexors, improving the ability to take more backswing and expand monitor

FLEXIBILITY/stress RELIEVER:: Facing Dog elongates the entire plant and open the shoulder girdle support better position at full swing down to the size and

Consolidation/balance/MENTAL HEALTH FOCUS:Big Ball Body Bridge: stability of the legs and trunk develop and promote awareness of the body

POWER/POWER:Heavy Ball swing:
To contribute to the trunk is manually the ability to lower body; established golf swing mimics the way

Mindi Boysen is Certified Golf conditioning specialist approved the Cave Creek, AZ, Tatum Ranch Golf. ClubHän has recently published "Fit For Golf! Fit Life!", you play a DVD on a golf fitness centre program, as well as his new book outlines the daily interactions Golf golf performance tips you can catch Mindi a successful golf specific exercises, Fox Sports Net nationwide American Golf. He is also a shareholder in the Arizona women's Golf Association and conditioning training seminars and nutritional consultation private company or sports. ask him or her (480) 203-6228 or

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