Sunday, October 17, 2010

Choosing Golf Equipment

Buying golf equipment can be like dumping money into a

money pit, but armed with some knowledge you can save

time and money in selecting the right clubs for

yourself. As with most things in life, you can spend a

lot or you can spend a little several times before you

get what you really need.

If you are first starting out and not completely sure

you want to commit to this addictive game, you should

either rent clubs at the golf course, or buy a starter

set of clubs.

Buying a set of started clubs enables you to become

accustomed to them; enabling you to concentrate on

your swing instead of wondering how this set of

miss-matched clubs you just rented are going to work


As you become better at the game, you should invest in

a better set of clubs, fitted to you.

Generally, a set includes a driver, one or two fairway

woods, 4-9 irons, a wedge or two and perhaps a putter.

As you become more experienced and start thinking

about new clubs, you may want to consider buying your

driver separately. Some players want a driver to give

them more accuracy; some need the distance.

There are numerous balls available and the box will

usually have a chart on the back and direct you to the

right ball for your needs. As you learn the game and

get better at it, you should experiment with different

balls which could improve your accuracy or distance.

Having the right equipment is an important aspect of

USA wins the Orange County National Ryder Cup Event

Last Friday, September 10th, was the much anticipated Orange County National Ryder Cup Event. This event pitted 16 US players vs 16 UK Soldiers from 1st Bn Coldstream Guards, who just came back from Afghanistan and were down in Orlando for a week of “adventure training.”

Below are the tournaments combatants.

The format was two-man better ball match play with 100% handicaps, playing off the lowest handi in the group. Three points are awarded per foursome, one point for the front nine, one point for the back nine and one point for the overall outcome.

I played in a foursome with fellow golf blogger John Duval (+2), writer of and two really cool dudes, John(10) and Lee(10).

From the Left, Lee, OGB, John, JFD

In our foursome, we won the front nine, halved the back nine and got the overall, contributing 2.5 points.

Team USA, showed up in stereo-typical boisterous national pride sporting the LoudMouth Golf Stars & Stripes shorts and swept the field with a final score of 18.5 to 5.5 points.

In the UK teams defense, however, they haven’t had a whole lot of time to work on their golf game, fighting for freedom and all that..

The greatest shot of the day came from “the Major.” His approach shot went through the tree on it’s way to the green and after searching for his ball for a couple minutes, the foursome realized that the ball never came out of the tree. It had become tangled in some spanish moss and “the Major” showed us his super secret fairway wood chop technique.

The festivities concluded with lunch and quite a few rounds of beer in the clubhouse. By “quite a few,” I mean they probably sold more Guinness on that day than they had the entire year leading up to it.

Every last one of them were stand up guys who have my total respect for the sacrifice they make for their country. It was a great event and thanks to everyone who took my advice and participated!

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